Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Prophets Fixing Things Or Breaking Them

Yesterday I was shopping and there was an automated witch robot that cackled and said dark, disturbing things when you walked by.  I don’t like it that everyone celebrates and finds so much joy in death.  We shouldn’t be selling axe’s for All Hollow’s Eve tinted red with blood stains.  I was annoyed by the constant, eerie cackling, so I walked by the thing and spoke, “You don’t have to work anymore.”  The rest of the time I was in the store, I never heard another sound from that robot.  Prophets can fix things.  That’s what we do.  As a Prophet I’ve experienced many times where I’ve fixed mechanical things such as light bulbs, stopwatches, other things just by touching, shaking, or bumping them.  Since I can seemingly fix mechanical things, maybe I also have authority over mechanical things to make them stop working as well.

“Nicely put.  There are a few people who have your gifting to just bring mechanical things into alignment by their presence or a light touch. I would reframe what you did with the robot.  You didn’t break it.  You just brought it into alignment with God’s order.  Still consistent with your design.” ~Arthur

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