Sunday, October 11, 2015

Living Healthy Is Starting To Make Sense To Me

It's all starting to make sense. Our bodies are uniquely able to handle quite the overload of toxins in our system from physical toxins to mental and emotional stressors, and is able to keep up with those overloads for great periods of time. But eventually we get sick.

Now what do we do when we get sick?  We vary our diet and our lifestyle. We force our bodies to take in mostly fluids, water, and juices and make sure we get enough rest so we stay in bed more. Then what happens?  We get better!  If a liquid diet of juice and sleep make us better why don't we stay on that diet forever getting well and staying well?

But we don't. When we start feeling better we go right back to burgers, fries, pizza, and pop. Our bodies get sicker again and we repeat this process. We simply haven't made the connection between the two until we notice that the time between sicknesses is consistently getting shorter to the point that we can get to feel like we're sick all the time and very rarely, if ever, feel well

Depending on our toxin intake that can happen in our 40's or even in our 30's and 20's. Our body is amazing to be sure and if we can keep putting in good fuel it will run efficiently and cleanly - able to handle the occasional toxin with ease. Our bodies want to be well and will work with us if we work with it. If we dump on it, it will function under that load until it can't anymore and then we blame it for not working for us or even working against us when it's really our souls that are working against our mind and body - depriving it of the very things that will help them live longer, feel healthier, and subsequently make our souls feel better.

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